Home + History 2025 Tickets on Sale
The first set of Home + History Las Vegas tickets go on sale today! Home + History is happening May 1-4, 2025. Tickets at nevadapreservation.org
The first set of Home + History Las Vegas tickets go on sale today! Home + History is happening May 1-4, 2025. Tickets at nevadapreservation.org
Volunteer with us at the Clark County Museum's Heritage Holidays event! NPF will have a table and needs folks to chat with event attendees. https://www.clarkcountynv.gov/government/departments/parks___recreation/cultural_division/musuems/clark_county_museum.php
Volunteer with us at the Clark County Museum's Heritage Holidays event! NPF will have a table and needs folks to chat with event attendees. https://www.clarkcountynv.gov/government/departments/parks___recreation/cultural_division/musuems/clark_county_museum.php
Join the Nevada Preservation Foundation for our monthly program celebrating Walter Zick and Harris Sharp, two visionary architects who shaped mid-20th century Las Vegas. From iconic “circle” schools to stunning banks, hotels, and homes, their designs reflected the influential styles of the era, yet they are often underappreciated compared to other well-known architects of the […]
The best stories of Vegas past comes from the people who lived them. Join us for the first installment of our new series “Cocktails and True Tales” where we mix the history of our city’s storied past with scintillating stories from the people who were there. Our guests this month will be discussing “Commercial Center.” […]
Take a Saturday stroll around the Historic Westside school campus, Las Vegas’ oldest remaining school and the official headquarters of Nevada Preservation. This walking tour explores the school’s unique architectural style and the recent restoration that preserved it as well the important role it played as a cornerstone to the African American community during the […]
The Beverly Green Historic District was once home to some of Las Vegas' most chic and fabulous. This 90-minute guided tour weaves through four residential tracts, showcasing custom and tract home design in Midcentury Las Vegas. Take a look behind-the-scenes into the private neighborhood of Vegas' past showgirls, entertainers, bankers, and wealthy casino moguls. Learn […]
Tour by bike the neighborhoods of the famous and fabulous stars of yesterday and today.
Home + History Las Vegas, Nevada’s premiere heritage tourism festival celebrates Southern Nevada’s captivating and iconic history by fostering an appreciation of our cultural heritage and important architecture. By creating a fun and engaging series of events, HHLV promotes, educates and advocates for the preservation of Las Vegas’ architectural resources as well as fostering renewed […]
March with us in the Helldorado Parade! The Helldorado Days Parade, formerly known as the Las Vegas Days Parade, or simply Helldorado, is held in mid-May each year and celebrates the city’s western roots. The parade usually includes floats, high school marching bands, cowboys and cowgirls on horseback, car clubs, nonprofits and more. In past […]
Visit this historic Mall with guided narration.
Join us for a celebration of YOU-our volunteers! Eat, drink and be merry as we recognize all you do for NPF!